Narrative Finder

The Narrative Finder feature is an advanced tool designed to uncover emerging trends and narratives within the cryptocurrency market. By tracking the activity of VC wallets and other influential investors, this feature identifies which tokens are being accumulated and which narratives are gaining traction. This powerful tool provides real-time insights into market sentiment and potential investment opportunities, enabling users to stay ahead of the curve.

Key Features:

  • VC Wallet Tracking: Monitor the holdings and trading activities of venture capital wallets to identify emerging narratives. See which tokens VCs are accumulating and how their investment patterns are evolving.

  • Early Narrative Detection: Identify wallets that have consistently caught on to new narratives early. These trendsetting wallets can provide valuable insights into upcoming market trends and investment opportunities.

  • Sentiment Chat: Engage with the community through a sentiment chat feature. Users can upvote or downvote narratives, providing a real-time gauge of market sentiment and community interest.

  • Trend Analysis: Analyse historical data to understand how certain narratives have developed over time. This helps in predicting the potential longevity and impact of current emerging trends.

  • Cross-Platform Monitoring: Track narratives across various platforms, including social media, forums, and news outlets. This ensures a comprehensive view of market sentiment and narrative formation.

  • Custom Alerts: Set up custom alerts to notify you when key wallets start accumulating specific tokens or when a new narrative begins to gain traction. Stay informed and react quickly to emerging trends.

  • Integrated Analytics: Combine narrative findings with other analytical tools like Social Sentiment Tracker, Risk Analysis, and Project Reports for a holistic view of the market.

  • Wallet Activity Analysis: Deep dive into the transaction histories of key wallets to see which tokens they are buying or selling. Identify patterns that indicate emerging narratives.

  • Community Sentiment: Use the sentiment chat to gauge the community’s reaction to different narratives. Upvotes and downvotes provide a clear signal of which narratives are gaining popularity and which are losing steam.

  • Narrative Scoring: Implement a scoring system to evaluate the strength and potential of different narratives based on wallet activity, community sentiment, and historical performance.

  • Visualisation Tools: Use visualisation tools to map out the relationships between different narratives, tokens, and influential wallets. This helps in understanding the broader market dynamics and interconnections.

Examples of Use Cases:

  • Trend Identification: Quickly identify and act on emerging market trends and narratives by monitoring the activities of influential wallets and community sentiment.

  • Informed Trading Decisions: Use narrative insights to inform your trading strategies, capitalising on new trends before they become mainstream.

Benefits of Narrative Finder

  • Early Detection: Stay ahead of the market by identifying emerging narratives early through the activities of key wallets and community sentiment.

  • Comprehensive Insights: Gain a holistic view of market trends by combining narrative analysis with other analytical tools and data sources.

  • Strategic Advantage: Use narrative insights to make strategic decisions, optimise investment portfolios, and develop effective marketing campaigns.


Kaizen’s Narrative Finder feature offers a powerful and professional tool for uncovering and analysing emerging market narratives. By tracking the activities of influential wallets and leveraging community sentiment, users can gain early insights into new trends and investment opportunities. Whether you're a trader, project developer, analyst, marketing firm, or VC, the Narrative Finder equips you with the essential information needed to navigate and capitalise on the dynamic cryptocurrency market.

Last updated