📊Analytics Platform Overview


Kaizen's Analytical Platform is designed to provide users with comprehensive tools for data analysis, enabling them to make informed and strategic decisions. Our platform leverages real-time on-chain data to deliver insights and identify valuable opportunities in the market.

Use Cases: The Analytics Platform is built to cater to various trading needs, providing solutions for different types of users:

  • Find Whale Wallets: Track significant wallet holders to understand market movements.

  • Most Profitable Wallets: Identify wallets that consistently make profits.

  • Paper Trading: Simulate trading to test strategies without risking actual funds.

  • Advanced Scanners: Combine multiple features like TTF, PIRB, Honeypot, and Token Sniffer in one place.

  • Early Narratives: Discover early trends and narratives to stay ahead.

  • KOL ROI Analysis: Evaluate the return on investment from following specific KOLs.

  • Custom Signal Feeds: Create feeds with custom filters, such as KOL consistency above 60%, market cap filters, and more.

Platform Features The platform is packed with a variety of advanced features that cater to the needs of traders, analysts, and project owners. Here are the key features:

  1. KOL Stats: Analyse key opinion leaders' (KOL) performance to make informed decisions.

  2. Advanced KOL Analysis with Filters: Customise signal feeds and filters to suit your trading strategy.

  3. Bespoke Signal Feeds: Create tailored signal feeds based on your preferences.

  4. Community KOL Volume/Wallet Addresses: Track community engagement and wallet activities.

  5. Top KOL Recommendations: Receive recommendations for top-performing KOLs.

  6. AI Auto Trader: Utilise AI for automated trading strategies.

  7. Advanced Labelling System: Categorise and label wallets and transactions for better analysis.

  8. Wallet Scout:

    • Most Profitable Wallets: Identify and track the most profitable wallets in the ecosystem.

    • Whale Wallets: Find and analyse whale wallets to understand their trading patterns.

    • Whale Clusters: Group whale wallets into clusters for comprehensive analysis.

  9. Portfolio Analysis/Tracking: Monitor and analyse your portfolio performance over time.

  10. In-Depth Wallet Analysis: Gain detailed insights into wallet transactions and behaviours.

  11. Risk Analysis: Evaluate and manage trading risks.

  12. Token Scanner: Detect potential issues and opportunities in tokens.

  13. Blacklist/Rug List: Maintain a list of blacklisted or potentially malicious tokens.

  14. Social Data: Analyse social sentiment and trends to inform trading decisions.

  15. Paper Trading: Practise trading strategies in a risk-free environment.

  16. Market Making/Volume Generation: Utilise tools and services for market making and generating trading volume.

  17. Project Reports: Generate detailed reports on projects to inform investment decisions.

  18. Narrative Finder: Identify and analyse emerging narratives in the market.

  19. AI Chat: Use AI-powered chat for insights and trading support.

Continuous Improvement

At Kaizen, we are committed to continuous improvement. We regularly update our platform with new features and enhancements to ensure that our users have access to the latest tools and technologies in the industry. Our goal is to provide a dynamic and powerful platform that evolves with the needs of our users.

Last updated