Token Contract Scanner

The Token Contract Scanner is designed to provide quick and in-depth information for users to perform due diligence on a token contract efficiently. This feature is accessible both on the web app and through Telegram (TG), offering flexibility and convenience for users on the go.

Key Features:

  • Swap Analysis: Determine if a token is a honeypot, analyse fees to buy and sell, and identify any potential issues with swapping the token.

  • Contract Analysis: Evaluate the token contract for key factors such as ownership renouncement, verification of the contract source, mintability, and other critical contract details.

  • Holder Analysis: Examine top holders, holder clusters, early buyer behaviour, summary of holdings, and identification of fresh wallets to understand the distribution and potential risks.

  • Proxy Contract Detection: Identify if the token contract is a proxy, which could indicate potential upgradeability or security concerns.

  • Liquidity Analysis: Assess liquidity aspects such as liquidity being burnt, adequacy of liquidity, and potential risks associated with liquidity pools.

  • Bubble Chart: Visualise the distribution of token holdings and movements with a bubble chart, providing a clear and immediate understanding of the token’s holder dynamics.

  • Audit: Access audit reports to verify the security and reliability of the token contract.

  • Similar Contract Code Analysis: Compare the token contract code with other known contracts to identify similarities that could indicate potential risks or issues.

  • Real-Time Alerts: Set up real-time alerts for any changes or updates in the contract, such as sudden increases in transaction volume or changes in liquidity.

  • Risk Scoring: Provide a comprehensive risk score based on the analysis, giving users an at-a-glance understanding of the token’s risk level.

  • Historical Data Analysis: Access historical data to see how the token’s contract and holder behaviour have evolved over time, providing insights into long-term stability and risks.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Ensure the interface is intuitive and easy to use, with both simple and in-depth scan options available at a click.

Examples of Use Cases:

  • Due Diligence: Perform quick and thorough due diligence on token contracts before investing. This helps in identifying potential scams or risky tokens.

  • Risk Management: Use the comprehensive analysis and risk scoring to make informed decisions and manage risks effectively.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Set alerts to stay updated on any changes in the token contract or holder behaviour, allowing for timely actions.

Last updated